
The subheadings below provide information on the policies that will govern this course. By staying enrolled, I expect that you have understood these policies in their entirety. 

Course Goals
The faculty of English has approved the following standards for upper-division English courses such as this. Students must demonstrate their ability to
  • write effectively using Standard Academic English
  • analyze literary elements effectively and clearly explain their contribution to a cohesive theme for a literary work
  • distinguish the historical and cultural influences related to a period and/or genre, in this case understanding these influences in Restoration and eighteenth-century British literature
  • find appropriately researched information, evaluate it critically, and use it effectively and ethically in an academic paper.
In addition to these departmental goals, I would add that students will also be able to
  • read and process a variety of texts and genres critically
  • provide focused, articulate commentary about the works they study.

Readings and suggested editions
All of the works we will read this semester should be available online for free, but I provide the ISBN numbers for preferred print editions below. While you are welcome to access these materials in alternate  editions, note that doing so negates access to often-helpful footnotes, editorial material, and critical resources. 

Anonymous. The Woman of Colour. Ed. Lyndon Dominique. Broadview Press, 2007. ISBN: 9781551111766.
Behn, Aphra. Oronooko; or the Royal Slave. London, 1688. Any edition.
Equiano, Olaudah. The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano. London, 1789. Any edition.
Fielding, Henry. Tom Jones. Norton Critical Edition, 1994. 9780393965940.
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley. The Turkish Embassy Letters, Broadview Press, 2012. ISBN: 9781554810420.
Popular Fiction by Women, 1660-1730: An Anthology. Edited by Paula Backscheider and John Richetti. Oxford UP, 1997. 9780198711377. 
Richardson, Samuel. Pamela. Penguin, 1981. 9780140431407.

Additional works available online will include:
select works available on ECCO: Eighteenth-Century Collections Online [UNG library login]
select modern moral series by William Hogarth: Tate Britain 
selections from Samuel Johnson’s contributions to The Rambler and The Dictionary: Yale Edition of Johnson's Works 
selections from The Tatler (1709-1711), and The Spectator (1711-14): The Spectator Project  
poetry from Aphra Behn, Anna Letitia Barbauld, Jonathan Swift, Lady Mary Wortley Montague, et al.

Recommended viewing/listening

Tom Jones. Directed by Tony Richardson, performances by Albert Finney and Susannah York, United Artists, 1963 
Tristram Shandy: A Cock & Bull Story. Directed by Michael Winterbottom, performances by Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon, BBC Films, 2005. 
"The School for Scandal by Richard Sheridan Starring John Gielgud and Ralph Richardson" Caedmon Original Cast Album, 1963. YouTube, https://youtu.be/EmqWX0jPFo4. 
"The School for Scandal." Films on Demand, Films Media Group, 2020, fod.infobase.com/PortalPlaylists.aspx?wID=114462&xtid=51483. Accessed 17 Aug. 2020.

Assignments and grading
This course is based on 100 points as detailed below.
  • Weekly Discussion/Participation: 5 points per week for max of 50 points 
  • Research essay: 20 points, including 5 points for essay presentation during the department showcase (end of semester)
  • Primary Source project: 10 points
  • Critical Source collaborative project: 10 points 
  • Material project: 10 points
Additional details on these assignments appear on the assignment tab linked above. Final letter grades will be awarded on a 10-point scale as follows: A: 89.5-100, B: 79.5-89.4, C: 69.5-79.4, D: 59.5-69.4, F: 59.4 or below. Grades will be posted on eLearning throughout the semester and on Banner at the conclusion of the term. 

This is a synchronous, f2f class, but we will aim to be as close to paperless as possible. In that vein, we will rely heavily on digital technology to stay engaged. Here are the applications/programs we'll use throughout the semester:
zoomindividual conferences
Google Drive  document sharing, storage, asynchronous peer review
Slackcommunication (alternative to email), QCQs/weekly discussion (alternative to D2L)
course website information portal, assignment descriptions, syllabus, schedule
eLearning/D2L  grade book

Attendance and Participation
Your weekly participation is based on two factors: asynchronous activity on the Slack channels and engagement during the synchronous class sessions. We will have two class meetings per week. Typically, we will discuss primary works on Tuesdays and secondary works on Thursdays. If you miss a class session, you clearly are not participating synchronously, but you can still earn points on Slack. Approach the readings and class time with your best work ethic; be prepared, respectful, and professional.  
As a courtesy, please let me know when you will be absent, regardless of the reason. DM on Slack is the best contact method.

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism
UNG's honor code states, "On my honor, I will not lie, cheat, steal, plagiarize, evade the truth, conspire to deceive, or tolerate those who do." 
As students of this university, you have agreed to abide by this code. 
In turn, I will not tolerate any instances of plagiarism or excessive collaboration in this course, regardless of intent. It is crucial that all students receive proper credit for their own work and that all outside sources are accurately cited. Students in violation of this policy will receive zero credit for the assignment and may fail the course. In addition, I will report the infraction to the Dean of Students.

Deadlines and late work
Be on time. Late work will not be accepted.
Please consult the UNG supplemental syllabus for additional details on the following policies:
  1. Academic Exchange
  2. Academic Integrity Policy
  3. Academic Success Plan Program
  4. Class Evaluations
  5. Course Grades and Withdrawal Process
  6. Disruptive Behavior Policy
  7. Inclement Weather
  8. Smoking Policy
  9. Students with Disabilities